You will need to use the instructions from Assignment 1 to get started, reference them if you get stuck. We won't repeat instructions across homeworks.
# Summary:
Clone and build the project.
Create a namespace 202305-cot4930002-yournetid in OwlCloud's student cluster kubernetes cluster
Create a Deployment in your new namespace named assignment2-secrets-yournetid (if you cannot create a namespace use the assignment2 namespace)
Create an ingress pointing at your deployment and exposing the url
Now for the detailed steps...
# Steps
Create a new ConfigMap containing the following text.
I am a configmap, I am stored plain text.
Create a new Secret containing the following text.
I am a secret, I am stored in base64 encoding
Create a new Encrypted config... Tell me how to do it. 20 Points extra if you pull it off.